I am always available to answer questions, before and after the brit milah. Do not hesitate to reach out if you do not find the answers your are looking for here.
When to contact the mohelet
You can reach out to me at any time during the pregnancy to discuss preliminary questions and make me aware of the baby's due date. Please reach out to me as soon as you can after delivery so we can determine the date and time of the ceremony.
Medical issues
The brit milah will take place on the 8th day of the baby's life. It can be delayed for medical issues (jaundice is a common cause of delay). We can discuss any medical concerns during pregnancy if they are known prenatally, and after delivery. I require that babies receive a vitamin K injection prior to performing the circumcision. Vitamin K helps blood clot and is not present at adequate levels until 6 months of age without an injection after birth. If there are any familial blood clotting disorders, we should discuss these ahead of time.
Cost and Insurance
The cost of officiating at a brit milah is $800. I will gladly provide a receipt that you can submit to your medical insurance carrier for reimbursement. I accept payment in cash, check or by credit card.
I use lidocaine with bicarbonate to perform a nerve block prior to the circumcision. I will also encourage the baby to suck on gauze or a clean finger dipped in sweet wine during the procedure. Both the sugar in the wine and the action of sucking are soothing to the newborn.
Multiple Births
If you are giving birth to twins or triplets, you can have one ceremony for all of your boys, assuming they are all healthy and eligible on the 8th day. A brit ceremony for multiples is much the same as for a single baby, with the honors being doubled or tripled!
If you are giving birth to twins or triplets that include a girl, you can have one ceremony to celebrate the births of all your children. There is no physical ritual enacted for baby girls.
Depending on their age, you may want to include your baby's older siblings in the Bris ceremony. Keep in mind that the arrival of a new baby is often a difficult time for a toddler. Little children may need extra attention when a new sibling joins the family. When asked what the celebration for a new baby brother is all about, parents might respond, "We are having a party to welcome Joshua into our family and show how proud we are that he is Jewish." When asked what is going to happen at the ceremony, parents might say, "The mohel is going to remove a little piece of skin from his body, which is something that happens to every Jewish baby. Your little brother may cry because he is hungry. Mommy will feed him right away.”
Little children can be included in the Bris ceremony in a number of ways.
Have your older child/ren help bring the baby into the room by walking alongside the adults who receive this honor.
Write a simple prayer or statement with your child/ren to be read at the bris such as "I am happy to have a new baby brother. I will help him learn and grow and I will play with him."
Have your child recite the prayer over the bread (motsi) to begin the meal of celebration at the conclusion of the ceremony.
If you anticipate your child will be needy or clingy, arrange for a family member or trusted caregiver to watch him/her during the service, enabling you to be a full participant.
I will examine your baby after the ceremony to be sure everything looks normal before I leave. I will be in touch again the morning after the ceremony to be sure all is well. The Plastibell ring used to circumcise your child should fall off in 7-10 days. If it falls off sooner, there is nothing to worry about. It can't fall off until it is healed. If the ring has not fallen off at ten days, I will come check on how the healing is progressing. During the time the ring is in place, sponge bathe your infant instead of immersing him in a tub. Change diapers as usual. There is no need for vaseline or other ointment on the penis as the ring itself will prevent the healing tissues from sticking to the diaper. Please call me at ANY time with ANY concerns.